The Student Handbook offers valuable information, guides, and directories to help students navigate campus life. Use the top navigation to explore the various sections of the Handbook.
The Student Handbook is designed to empower students while promoting accountability. It ensures that all community members are informed of policies, procedures, rights, and responsibilities. We strongly encourage all students to familiarize themselves with the Handbook, along with the information shared in the College Catalog, to fully understand what is expected of them as members of the Hilbert College community.

The contents of this handbook represent the most current
information available at the time of publication. However, during the period of
time covered by this handbook, it is reasonable to expect changes to be made
with respect to this information without prior notice. The policies and
services of Hilbert College are under continual examination and revision. Thus,
the provisions of this handbook are not to be regarded as an irrevocable
contract between the College and the student.