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Students may be granted the opportunity to travel on behalf of the College for a variety of reasons. Students will be held to the following standards on Hilbert-supported and sponsored trips. 


  • Attend and actively participate in all scheduled meetings and/or workshops as required and maximize any funding support provided by the College for my attendance.

  • Refrain from using alcohol, regardless of age, or any other drug or substance, regardless of whether or not that drug, such as marijuana, is legal in the place of travel.

  • Demonstrate integrity and respect as an ambassador of Hilbert College.

  • Follow all policies as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. If any student poses a threat to themselves or others, displays behavior that is deemed unprofessional or unacceptable, or fails to abide by any of these expectations, the student's time on the trip may be terminated immediately. Students will be financially responsible for returning to Hamburg, NY, and may face review under the Conduct Review Process as outlined in the Student Handbook. 


By signing the sponsored travel agreement, the student acknowledges that they are attending a travel opportunity in conjunction with a Hilbert-managed department or student organization. Most travel-related costs are provided for sponsored travel opportunities and all activities are monitored by approved chaperones. Students taking part in these trips are doing so as representatives of Hilbert College and are therefore expected to conduct themselves accordingly and follow the policies as outlined in this agreement.


By signing the supported travel agreement, the student acknowledges that they are attending travel with an organization that partners with Hilbert and not with a Hilbert-managed department or student organization. Little to no college financial support is given for supported travel. Students signing this agreement understand that transportation will not be provided by the institution and that while Hilbert is not monitoring activities, at all times, students taking part in this trip are doing so as a representative of Hilbert College and are therefore expected to conduct themselves accordingly and follow the policies as outlined in this agreement.